Exploring the Fun and Surprising Facts About Franchising

franchise facts
Picture of Maria Misyurina

Maria Misyurina

Franchising Guru Co-founder;
Guru of franchise law, contract negotiations, franchise relations & expansion.

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Join us on a journey through the fun and surprising facts about franchising!

Franchising is a part of our modern business landscape, offering entrepreneurs a proven business model and established brand in exchange for a fee and ongoing royalties. While many of us are familiar with the concept of franchising, there are some intriguing and lesser-known facts that add an extra layer of interest to this business model. Join us on a journey through the fun and surprising facts about franchising!

Intriguing Facts about Franchising

  1. Historical Beginnings:

Franchising has roots that date back to ancient China and Rome. In ancient China, individuals operated businesses under imperial licenses, while in Rome, entrepreneurs would open outlets of established bathhouses.

In the 9th century, a monarch in France granted a brewer the exclusive right to operate a beer-selling establishment in a particular area. The brewer, in turn, paid royalties to the monarch. This early form of franchising may not have involved fast-food chains or modern business terminology, but it laid the groundwork for the franchising models we see today, demonstrating that the concept of expanding a business through licensing has deep historical roots!

2. The Franchise King:

McDonald’s is often referred to as the “Franchise King,” with over 38,000 restaurants globally. It’s estimated that McDonald’s opens a new restaurant somewhere in the world every 14.5 hours, demonstrating the continuous popularity of the franchise model.

3. Subway’s “Sandwich Artists”:

Subway refers to its employees as “Sandwich Artists.” This playful term emphasises the creativity and skill involved in crafting the perfect sandwich, adding a touch of fun to the franchise’s work culture.

4. Franchising’s Secret Recipes:

Some franchises guard their recipes as closely as state secrets. KFC’s original recipe, Coca-Cola’s formula, and the secret sauce of McDonald’s Big Mac are among the closely guarded culinary mysteries that add an additional intrigue to the world of franchising.

5. Secret Number

Originally, the concealed number 31 nestled within the Baskin-Robbins logo symbolised the franchise’s  choice of 31 flavours. However, with the brand’s evolution to offer impressive 1,200 flavours, that discreet number now represents a different concept – signifying a unique ice cream flavour for each day of the month.


Franchising, with its rich history and global impact, continues to shape the business landscape in exciting ways. As entrepreneurs continue to explore this business model, who knows what fascinating stories and achievements the future of franchising holds! If you’re eager to become part of the exciting world of franchising, contact us today.