Our services

We help aspiring entrepreneurs build powerful franchise systems

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Our team brings extensive experience in developing numerous franchise systems and overseeing major franchise operations. We have directly delivered hundreds of franchise sales and managed several leading franchise brands.

Becoming a franchisor can definitely increase your company revenue and improve scalability, but it will also require a significant investment of time and resources to establish and maintain a successful franchise system. And we are here to help you with exactly that!

Ready to take your business to the next level?

We can advise you on all information and tools to get you started as well as set up your franchise business so you maximise the opportunity to recruit franchisees. Our company offers a range of packages designed to help you develop and grow your franchise system.

You are ready to work with us if:

item 1

your business should have been trading for at least three years and is profitable

item 3

you have delivered impressive results, earning a reputation for excellence in your industry

item 5

you have achieved a substantial return on investment (ROI), securing a solid foothold in your market

item 2

your business model has successful track record and you believe it’s replicable

item 4

your deep understanding of your customers’ needs has allowed you to leverage technology to create seamless, personalised experience that stands our from your competitors

Your vision + 
Our expertise = Your Franchise empire
business empire dreaming image

our service packages

With this program you will get:

  1. Franchise Development Services
  2. Comprehensive Franchise Marketing Solutions
  3. Expanded legal assistance accompanied by the Franchisee Legal Pack provision
  4. Business Plan Assistance
  5. Systematic Franchise Training Programs
  6. Financial Planning Support for both Franchisee and Franchisor
  7. Utilisation of Franchise Territory Planning Software for Strategic Mapping and Improved Sales Optimisation
  8. Franchisor Compliance with GDPR Regulations
  9. Registration and Protection of Franchisor’s Intellectual Property
  10. Tailored Financial Planning Services
  11. Membership Registration with the British Franchise Association

Transform your business into a franchise through a comprehensive franchise development project.

With this program you will get:

  1. Franchise Development Services
  2. Comprehensive Franchise Marketing Solutions
  3. Expanded legal assistance accompanied by the Franchisee Legal Pack provision
  4. Business Plan Assistance
  5. Systematic Franchise Training Programs
  6. Financial Planning Support for both Franchisee and Franchisor

With this program you will get:

  1. Business Audit and
  2. Comprehensive Support Services

With this program you will get:

  1. Business Audit and Comprehensive Support Services
  2. Comprehensive Legal Assistance and preparation of Franchisor Legal Pack
  3. Financial Modelling for Both Franchisees and Franchisors

With this program you will get:

  1. Brand Audit
  2. New Brand Identity
  3. Reflection Of Brand Changes In Your Website And Marketing Materials

With this program you will get:

  1. Franchise Advertising
  2. On-Site Assistance
  3. Tele Sales Support

Optimise the process of selling franchises by providing personalised and efficient one-on-one support.

With this program you will get:

  1. Review Of Your Current Sales Processes
  2. Customised Sales Matrix
  3. Guidance & Support On Implementing The Sales Matrix
  4. Progress Review & Adjustments To The Sales Matrix If Needed
With this program you will get:
  1. Understanding The Franchise Industry
  2. Finding The Right Franchise
  3. Negotiating The Franchise Agreement

Got More Questions?

Franchising is a great way to expand your business and reach a wider audience. Here are the steps to franchise your business:

  1. Evaluate if your business is franchise-ready: Before franchising your business, you need to evaluate if it’s ready to be franchised. Check if your business model is successful, profitable, and replicable. This is how we come in. We can tell you and support you in this discussion.
  2. Develop a franchise business plan: Create a business plan outlining how to franchise your business. This should include details on how you’ll recruit franchisees, support them, and the fees involved.
  3. Protect your brand: Register your business name and logo as trademarks to protect your brand. You should also draft a franchise agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the franchise, as well as any training and support you’ll provide.
  4. Recruit franchisees: Start looking for potential franchisees through advertising, fairs, and personal networking. You’ll want to screen potential franchisees to ensure they fit your business well.
  5. Train and support franchisees: Once you’ve recruited franchisees, provide them with training and support to ensure they’re successful. This may include providing operational manuals, marketing materials, and ongoing support.
  6. Launch your franchise: You can launch your franchise by opening your first franchise location. You’ll need to continue supporting and guiding your franchisees to ensure their success.

Remember, franchising your business can be a complex process. Consider seeking the advice of an experienced team, and that is how we can take any pain away as we hold your hand through this process.

Becoming a franchisor can definitely increase your company revenue and improve scalability, but it will also require a significant investment of time and resources to establish and maintain a successful franchise system.

By franchising your business, you can expand your reach and increase revenue through franchise fees, royalties, and other income streams. Additionally, your franchisees will be responsible for opening and operating new locations, which can help you scale your business more quickly than if you were trying to open new locations on your own.

However, becoming a franchisor also involves a number of responsibilities, such as providing support and training to franchisees, developing and maintaining brand standards, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. It’s important to have a solid business plan and a team in place to manage the day-to-day operations of your franchise system.

Overall, if done properly, franchising can be a lucrative and scalable business model. However, it’s important to carefully consider the benefits and challenges of franchising before making the decision to become a franchisor.

We have packages that reduce the cost significantly to be able to make franchising affordable for you.

See Our Packages

We can specifically design development programmes that help reduce costs. Still, at the same time, you get a team of franchise professionals who have franchised hundreds of brands UK-wide and internationally. Our launch programme is cost-effective for you and you can get your investment back as soon as you sign up for your first franchise.

The cost of franchising your business can vary greatly depending on several factors, such as the size of your business, the industry, and the type of franchise model you choose. Here are some of the main costs you’ll need to consider when franchising your business in the UK:

  1. Legal fees: You’ll need to hire an experienced franchise solicitor to help you create a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) and a franchise agreement. Legal fees for this can range from £5,000 to £15,000 or more. We have all these services in-house, including trademark protections.
  2. Franchise marketing: You’ll need to develop a marketing plan to attract potential franchisees. This could include advertising, attending franchise exhibitions, and creating marketing materials. Marketing costs can range from £5,000 to £15,000 or more.
  3. Training and support: You’ll need to provide initial training and ongoing support to your franchisees. This can include operational manuals, ongoing support, and access to a help desk. Training and support costs can range from £7,000 to £30,000 or more.
  4. Franchise fees: You’ll also need to set franchise fees, which can include an initial franchise fee and ongoing royalties. These fees can vary greatly depending on the industry and type of franchise model you choose.

Overall, the total cost of franchising your business can range from dependant on services or more. It’s important to work with an experienced franchising guru’s to help you determine the costs associated with franchising your business and create a budget that works for you.

You will get a return on your investment after the development phase is complete and professionals market your business. You will get a return as soon as your first franchise is sold. This will be within the first three months of marketing your business.

Realistically, it is unlikely that you will be able to sell a franchise without the correct infrastructure in place. We are aware of websites that promise franchise sales for listing fees. It is relatively easy to generate prospects for a monthly fee, but the likelihood of closing a franchise will be significantly reduced because you don’t have the information, contracts, training and know-how on what it takes to be a franchisor.

The amount of money you need to invest in marketing to recruit a franchisee can vary greatly depending on several factors, such as the size of your business, the industry, the type of franchise model you have, and the marketing channels you use.

Here are a few marketing channels you can use to recruit potential franchisees:

  1. Franchise portals: You can list your franchise opportunity on franchise portals, such as FranchiseDirect.co.uk, which charge a fee for listing your opportunity. The cost for this can range from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds per year, depending on the portal and the level of exposure you want.
  2. Digital marketing: You can use digital marketing channels, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads to reach potential franchisees. The cost for this can vary greatly depending on the platform, the target audience, and the level of competition.
  3. Franchise exhibitions: You can attend franchise exhibitions, such as The Franchise Show or The British Franchise Exhibition, to meet potential franchisees face-to-face. The cost for this can range from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds, depending on the size of the exhibition and the level of exposure you want.
  4. PR and content marketing: You can use PR and content marketing to raise awareness about your franchise opportunity. This can include writing press releases, creating blog posts, and publishing articles in industry publications. The cost for this can vary depending on whether you handle it in-house or hire a PR or content marketing agency.

Overall, the amount of money you need to invest in marketing to recruit a franchisee can range from a few thousand pounds to tens of thousands of pounds or more, depending on the marketing channels you use and the level of exposure you want. It’s important to work with an experienced franchising guru’s or marketing agency to help you determine the most effective marketing channels for your business and create a budget that works for you.

We have all this covered in our franchise packages.

Franchisors have several responsibilities to their franchisees to ensure that they are successful and that the franchise system as a whole operates effectively. Here are some of the main responsibilities of franchisors to franchisees:

  1. Training and support: Franchisors are responsible for providing initial and ongoing training and support to franchisees to help them operate their businesses effectively. This can include training on the franchisor’s business model, operations, marketing, and customer service.
  2. Marketing and advertising: Franchisors are responsible for creating and implementing marketing and advertising campaigns to promote the franchise system and support the success of franchisees. This can include national and local marketing efforts, as well as providing marketing materials and guidance to franchisees.
  3. Operations support: Franchisors are responsible for providing ongoing operational support to franchisees, including assistance with site selection, lease negotiation, inventory management, and supply chain management.
  4. Quality control: Franchisors are responsible for maintaining quality control standards across the franchise system to protect the brand and ensure consistency across all franchise locations.
  5. Compliance: Franchisors are responsible for ensuring that franchisees comply with all legal and regulatory requirements related to operating the franchise business.
  6. Innovation and research: Franchisors are responsible for investing in research and development to improve the franchise system and keep it competitive in the marketplace.

Overall, franchisors have a significant responsibility to their franchisees to ensure that they are successful and that the franchise system operates effectively. It’s important for franchisors to maintain open communication with franchisees, listen to their feedback, and provide the support and resources they need to achieve success.

If you don’t have experience or knowledge of franchising, it’s important to educate yourself on the process before moving forward. Here are a few steps you can take to learn more about franchising and get the guidance you need:

  1. Research: Start by researching the franchising process and reading up on franchise law and regulations. You can find valuable resources online, such as the British Franchise Association (BFA) website, franchising publications, and books on franchising.
  2. Attend a franchise seminar or exhibition: Attending a franchise seminar or exhibition can be a great way to learn about franchising and get advice from experts. The British Franchise Exhibition and The Franchise Show are two of the biggest franchise events in the UK.
  3. Work with a franchise consultant: A franchise consultant can provide guidance and support throughout the franchising process. They can help you assess whether your business is suitable for franchising, create a franchise business plan, and develop a marketing strategy for recruiting franchisees.
  4. Hire a franchise solicitor: Hire a franchise solicitor: A franchisee solicitor can help you navigate the legal requirements and create the necessary documentation for franchising your business. They can also help you review franchise agreements and advise you on any legal issues that arise.
  5. Speak with other franchisors: Networking with other franchisors can be a valuable way to learn about the challenges and opportunities of franchising. You can join industry associations, attend franchise events, and connect with other franchisors on social media.

Overall, franchising can be a complex process, and it’s important to work with experts who have experience in the field. With the right guidance and support, you can successfully franchise your business and grow your brand.

Scaling a franchise business involves expanding the franchise system by opening more franchise locations, attracting new franchisees, and increasing revenue and profitability. Here are some strategies for scaling a franchise business:

  1. Develop a strong brand: Building a strong brand is critical to the success of a franchise system. A strong brand can attract more customers, create more franchisee interest, and differentiate the franchise system from competitors.
  2. Build a strong franchisee support system: Providing strong support to franchisees can help them succeed and grow, which in turn can help the franchise system scale. This includes providing training, marketing support, and operational support to franchisees.
  3. Expand into new markets: Opening franchise locations in new geographic markets can help a franchise system grow and reach new customers. This can involve identifying new target markets and developing a strategy for expanding into those markets.
  4. Continually innovate and improve: Continually innovating and improving the franchise system can help it stay competitive and attract more franchisees. This can involve investing in research and development, testing new products and services, and improving operational efficiencies.

Working with Franchising Gurus who have experience can be beneficial for a franchise business in several ways. Franchising Gurus can provide expertise and guidance on all aspects of franchising, including developing a franchise model, attracting franchisees, providing support to franchisees, and scaling the franchise system. They can also help identify areas for improvement and provide strategies for overcoming challenges. Additionally, Franchising Gurus often have networks of contacts within the franchising industry, which can be valuable for a franchise business looking to expand its reach and attract new franchisees.

Our Payment Options:

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Full Payment

We offer a discount for clients who pay for the services in full upfront.

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You’ll pay a portion of the total amount in three equal installments throughout the duration of services.

Retainer model

You pay a fixed monthly fee over a longer period, which would cover the cost of our services.

Are You A Franchisor And Need Support?

We work with many existing franchise brands who have been promised the dream from franchise consultants, sometimes paying out really significant sums, but haven’t got anywhere.

All is not lost. We provide free no obligation advice to get you back on track. Unfortunately, it does at times mean starting from fresh again, however, we may only need to improve a few areas before turning on our powerful franchise sales and marketing engine.

James and Maria meeting

Let’s Take Your Business
To The Next Level!