A Journey through Franchising’s Intriguing Past

A Journey through Franchising’s Intriguing Past

KFC Franchise in Japan

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Whether you’re a potential franchisee, a business enthusiast, or just someone curious about the dynamics of franchising, you’re in for a treat.

In this blog post, we’ll uncover some interesting and unusual franchise facts that will leave you amazed and inspired. Whether you’re a potential franchisee, a business enthusiast, or just someone curious about the dynamics of franchising, you’re in for a treat.

Intriguing Franchise Facts

  1. The Origins of “Franchise”: The term “franchise” has interesting linguistic roots. It originated from the Old French word “franchir,” meaning to free or exempt. In the context of business, it referred to the freedom granted to individuals to operate under a larger entity’s brand.
  2. Ancient Roots of Franchising: Did you know that the concept of franchising has ancient roots? The Roman Empire utilised a system similar to franchising to expand their military supply chains. They granted individuals the right to operate businesses and collect profits in exchange for providing goods and services to the Roman army.
  3. McDonald’s and the Speedy Service Revolution: While McDonald’s is synonymous with fast food today, did you know that their innovative approach to speedy service revolutionised the industry? The introduction of the “Speedee Service System” in the 1940s laid the foundation for the fast-food franchise model we see today.
  4. The First Franchise: Isaac Merrit Singer, the founder of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, is credited with creating the first-ever franchise in the mid-19th century. The franchisees were responsible for selling and servicing sewing machines, marking the beginning of the modern franchise era.
  5. Harland Sanders’ Late-Life Success: Colonel Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC, achieved remarkable success later in life. He franchised KFC at the age of 65, and his face became synonymous with the brand. Sanders continued to play a significant role in KFC until he sold the company in 1964.
  6. Franchising and Female Empowerment: Franchising has played a significant role in empowering women entrepreneurs. According to the International Franchise Association, nearly 30% of all U.S. franchises are owned by women. This figure continues to rise as more women embrace entrepreneurship through franchising. Did you know that not only is our co-founder female, but also the majority of our team comprises talented women, including our designers, photographers, and videographers?


These intriguing and unusual franchise facts demonstrate the diverse nature of the franchise industry. As you explore the possibilities of franchising, remember that the key to success lies not just in business acumen but in embracing the spirit of innovation that has defined franchises throughout history. Happy franchising!

Read our article: Exploring The Fun And Surprising Facts About Franchising for more fun facts.